December 31st


And finally…

As 2012 comes to a close, I hope that you have enjoyed at least some of the photos in this blog. I would like to thank those whose Likes and Comments, both here on WordPress, and on Facebook, have encouraged me to keep going when inspiration and motivation waned and I felt like packing it all in.

A very happy 2013 to everyone. Cheers!

December 30th


For a friend who’s ever so slightly quackers 😉

December 29th


The entrance to Southampton Old Cemetery.

December 28th


A world scratch map, with the countries I’ve visited scratched off. There’s still an awful lot of gold on there.

P.S. the white blob is the reflection of a light, not an alien invasion of the South Atlantic!

December 27th


This afternoon’s entertainment. Amazing CGI animals.

December 26th


A wooden elephant from one of the Christmas market stalls.

December 25th


Now that’s what I call a dinner 🙂

December 24th


The lower part of the Christmas market, Below Bar. A wet Christmas Eve is hardly ideal for the traders.

December 23rd


A Christmas tradition dating back about 20 years to when the children were small. These days they’re not quite so keen to visit Father Christmas as well 😉

December 22nd


Just realised it’s almost 9pm and I haven’t taken a photo yet. Nuts.